I looked out from our flat roof on an alien
scene. Someone blew on a conch. I took in the big sky of the plains. Beyond our
house there was a lovely patchwork of bright yellow mustard and lush winter
wheat. The colours were sharp and astonishingly crisp. I could have been at
home in England hemmed in with grey drizzle, or brushing past people cocooned
by stress and self-absorption. I thought of the life I’d led, commuting with my
brain switched off, ignoring the world: cars and personal stereos keep reality
A cock crowed and
received several answers. I started to see again: people herded cattle out to
graze or took flowers to the temple; there were soft groans of buffalo- or
ox-cart wheels as men moved rice, brought timber or thatch. Tharu women wearing
bright blues and orange walked elegantly erect with water in pots or piles of
firewood on their heads. Tinselly Badi women dressed in pink and purple swept
out their shacks after the night’s lucrative work...."
From page 109 of
A Glimpse of Eternal Snows
My redrawing of Tharu house decoration, Rajapur Island, Nepal |
A peacock redrawn from a Tharu house, West Nepal |
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